The beauty of owning my anger is that I’m also in the position to change it!
Awareness, Choices, Choosing Balance, Fear, Growth, Mindfulness, Peaceful Living, Personal Resonsibility

Embracing Our Anger to Understand It Better

Anger’s a highly misunderstood and underappreciated emotion that’s simply doing its job and trying to get our attention to consider what may not be working so well in our life. Instead of embracing our anger and trying to learn from it, we’ll do other things, like let it run wild, try to bury it, and… Continue reading Embracing Our Anger to Understand It Better

Every day this year I will make choices to improve upon yesterday.
Awareness, Choices, Growth, Lifestyle Transformation, Motivation, Personal Resonsibility, Positive Living

The Beauty of a Fresh Start

Every single morning is a new beginning. A fresh start to give our best effort and be our best self ❤ As we say goodbye to 2021, and two very, very, challenging years, I look towards 2022 with hope. It may be the fact that I slowed down this past month to take self-inventory. It… Continue reading The Beauty of a Fresh Start

Anger can be a catalyst for change and growth.
Awareness, Choices, Controlling our Emotions, Emotions, Growth, Mindfulness, Personal Resonsibility

Seeing Red: Is There an Upside to Anger?

Anger is treated like an evil force in nature. Dark. Destructive. Scary. Psychologists describe it as an emotional response to a real or imagined “wrong” or injustice or when things don’t go the way we’d like, and we resist present-moment reality. Typically, it’s experienced as a secondary emotion when our feelings are hurt, and we… Continue reading Seeing Red: Is There an Upside to Anger?

Forgiving ourselves helps dismantle the habit of rumination.
Awareness, Controlling our Emotions, Emotions, Growth, Personal Resonsibility

Handling Rumination on the Road to Change

My last blog highlighted seeing our undesired behavior in others. What starts as a lesson in grace and patience for others and ourselves, can quickly morph into a dark battle within us if left unchecked. How? Because, in noticing these unwanted behaviors playing out around and within us, we can fall into a loop of… Continue reading Handling Rumination on the Road to Change

Yes, it’s hard to watch a version of ourselves behaving badly, but we see where we once were and fuel our motivation to continue creating a better future. Let’s embrace it like a wise, old friend helping us to stay on track because they see our potential and that we’re destined and capable to be so much more than we are today. ❤
Authentic Living, Awareness, Choices, Growth, Personal Resonsibility

Being a Loving Witness to Undesired Behavior

As I travel the road of healing and growth, I witness behaviors I’m trying to rise above. It can be overwhelming because I’m not only trying to change these very behaviors, I’m coming face to face with how I used to unknowingly impact others firsthand. Let me just say, I feel a sense of “yuck”!… Continue reading Being a Loving Witness to Undesired Behavior

Criticism is essentially a form of feedback
Personal Resonsibility

Dissolving Criticism to Lighten Our Outlook

Ok, last blog I talked about self-criticism which pretty much happens to all of us at one time or another, but to varying degrees. Some people can use it constructively and take steps to apply changes to their life whether changing gears, direction, or approach. Some dive into reflection and observation to figure out the… Continue reading Dissolving Criticism to Lighten Our Outlook

Self-criticism is a type of awareness and like anything, must be kept in balance to serve its purpose to make better choices!
Awareness, Choices, Emotions, Growth, Mindfulness, Personal Resonsibility, Positive Choices

The Good and Bad of Self-Criticism

Self-criticism is a common aspect of our personality that most people will wrestle with in life. I certainly do, and let’s be honest…it can be brutal. While I believe self-criticism helps keep me dialed into life assessment, including my faults and limitations, it’s a double-edged sword that can be disastrous if I don’t keep it… Continue reading The Good and Bad of Self-Criticism

Dream. Plan. Action.
Awareness, Choices, Growth, Motivation, Personal Resonsibility, Positive Choices, Success

Setting Effective Goals is Key in Promoting Our Success

Setting goals helps us move through daily life with purpose and thrive! Studies show that when effectively setting challenging goals we’re more likely to stay motivated and persistent in completing our tasks. Why more challenging goals? Higher goals drive us to step up with our personal best, as determined by Doctors of Industrial Psychology, and… Continue reading Setting Effective Goals is Key in Promoting Our Success

Self-compassion means you are kind and understanding when confronted with personal failings
Authentic Living, Choosing Balance, Growth, Happiness, Personal Resonsibility, Positive Living

The Beauty of Practicing Self-Compassion

 For most people, it’s a sad and undeniable truth, we lack having compassion for ourselves. If we’re capable of showing compassion, “sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others”, we easily shine it on others but struggle giving it to ourselves. I believe compassion is what connects us to our humanity and,… Continue reading The Beauty of Practicing Self-Compassion

How to use our hyperawareness to learn and grow!
Awareness, Growth, Mindfulness, Personal Resonsibility

When Feeling Hyperaware is a Good Thing

When I’m working on personal change, as I assess myself and the world around me, a lot of things start happening. I’m hyperaware of people behaving the way I’m trying to change. I see it everywhere. In fact, I can't not see it! So, I get a little irritated by their poor choices. Then, I… Continue reading When Feeling Hyperaware is a Good Thing