Don't allow shame to control your choices. Take time to neutralize it's influence and take charge of choices that nourish your spirit and growth!
Choices, Controlling our Emotions, Fear, Growth, Peaceful Living, Personal Resonsibility, Positive Choices

How Fear of Shame Influences our Choices

Shame is a powerful tool and millions of people use it to control others. It's oppressive, and it exploits our desperate need to avoid embarrassment or social retaliation. It can hold us captive in a state of fear of humiliation and distress with no hope or belief in our ability to recover. I've been on… Continue reading How Fear of Shame Influences our Choices

Awareness, Choices, Controlling our Emotions, Growth, Personal Resonsibility

The Upside of Difficult People in Our Life

You may doubt there’s an upside to dealing with the difficult people in our lives, but there is. And while it’s never easy, I discovered it’s also a learning opportunity. This is bravery: using the challenge of daily life to sharpen our mind and open our heart. Sakyong Mipham Early on, I used to feel… Continue reading The Upside of Difficult People in Our Life

Choices, Controlling our Emotions, Personal Resonsibility

No One Wants Their Feelings Hurt

Having our feelings hurt is a sign. It lets us know that either a boundary has been violated or perhaps we need to construct a boundary. If we're treated in a way that we have defined as unacceptable because it's inconsiderate, unkind or disrespectful, being hurt let's us know the line was crossed. Now what?… Continue reading No One Wants Their Feelings Hurt

Awareness, Choices, Growth

Hear Ye, Hear Ye…Change Is On Its Way

It’s interesting that the moment we’re committed to a new frame of mind, one that sets new boundaries, which triggers new corresponding actions, we want to declare it. We feel healthy and certain of our new behavior approach and believe we should give everyone a heads up of what to expect. Because undoubtedly, they’ll notice… Continue reading Hear Ye, Hear Ye…Change Is On Its Way